Contact Us

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Gloria Young

DRE# 01895672

Phone: +1 (650) 380-9918

WeChat: gloriayoung

John Young

DRE# 02036387

Phone: +1 (650) 862 2122


Young Platinum Group MLS # 70010130

Social Media

Office Address

640 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025


A Note Regarding Accessability

We are committed to making our website accessible to everyone.  At this time, we recognize that not all areas of our website may be sufficiently accessible to some of our visitors.  

We further recognize that some of our functionality and the associated content is complex, has contractual implications and, even with best efforts and intentions, may not be effective when used with screen readers or other devices.  Given that our goal is to provide a website, content and functionality that is broadly accessible, we invite anyone requiring specific accommodations to contact us at for assistance.